Chile is Back

Chile is Back

With great joy and enthusiasm, we can share the news that starting November 1st, 2021, all travelers arriving in Chile may do so without a mandatory quarantine.

The new protocols are being drafted, but authorities have confirmed that instead of the quarantine, guests must undergo a PCR test in Chile. As soon as they get the negative results they may continue their travel itinerary. This PCR test will be taken at the airport of entry and we can expect results within 12 to 24 hours.

While the results are pending guests are asked to isolate themselves at a hotel, private residence, or similar locations.

These announcements are recent and there are still some questions to be answered. We expect to have a complete protocol for entry during the coming week.

For the time being, what is known and has not changed are the following requirements to enter Chile:
• Complete vaccine schedule, which must be validated with Chilean authorities at this link.
• Negative PCR test no older than 72 hours before boarding plane in the country of origin.
• Fill out the entry affidavit at this link.
• Medical Insurance with a minimum coverage of USD 30.000.
• Acceptance of travel and health monitoring for 10 days.


Vaccine Validation Procedure for Chile

The registration can only be started within 45 days of your travel date.

This is the process allowing non-resident foreigners to validate in Chile the vaccination data received abroad in order to obtain the “Pase de Movilidad” (domestic “green or Covid card”). We can expect a 15 to 30 day waiting period from submitting to final acceptance. Please be sure to finish this validation procedure before traveling.

What vaccines may be validated in our country? All vaccines having been approved by Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile (ISP) (Chilean Public Health Institute), the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Presently, said vaccines are: Those manufactured by Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), Oxford/AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Sinovac, CanSino, and Generium (Sputnik-V) laboratories.

What information must be provided to validate vaccines administered abroad? 

User shall go to
Fill-in the form “Extranjeros no Residentes validación de vacunas/Vaccine validation non- resident foreigners”

Our team is happy to assit you with any enquiries, please feel free to reach out to or our Toll-Free US: 888-332-2961