Nayara Bocas del Toro & Alto Atacama: A Study in Sustainability

Nayara Bocas del Toro & Alto Atacama: A Study in Sustainability

With studies showing that as much as 77% of travelers are looking for a sustainability ethos when they travel, Nayara Resorts is well-positioned as a global leader in this space. Our Costa Rican hotels continue to raise the bar on sustainable tourism, whether it’s our massive reforestation efforts or becoming fully carbon neutral, but our properties in Chile & Panama are also making a big splash.

We begin in Panama where sustainability was built into our culture from the very beginning. That’s why we conducted five different environmental studies at a cost of $100,000 to build Nayara Bocas del Toro completely off-grid without harming the native mangroves and coral reefs. This required that we build water, power, and wastewater systems designed specifically for our private island; and as a result almost 100% of the hotel’s energy needs are now generated by solar panels. But we don’t just take advantage of the sun. All of the freshwater that we use on property comes from harvested rainwater that we put through an advanced ultraviolet purification process.


But what we’re most excited about is our massive coral restoration program that will help restore and revitalize our bay, and hopefully soon, the entire archipelago. In 2022, we partnered with the locally-based Caribbean Coral Restoration to install ten environmentally friendly fish habitats (artificial reef structures.)  These structures are then seeded with genetically resilient coral for even faster growth and recovery. And while it’s still early, we have already seen a tremendous amount of marine life return to the bay. Our main goal however, is to set an example and help other local hotels and entities start coral reef restoration programs of their own.


Heading south to Chile, Nayara Alto Atacama is the only luxury hotel in San Pedro de Atacama with an “S” certification for sustainable
tourism from the Chilean government. And in another first for Chile, we’re breaking ground on a new solar panel and battery project that will be completely disconnected from the national electricity grid. Not only will this reduce our carbon footprint by more than a ton of CO2 per but will also minimize noise and traffic pollution.

Additionally, we are using innovative solar panels that are coplanar; that is, they are flat and non-reflective, so they fit seamlessly with the hotel and its surrounding mountainous desert environment. And, as in the case of Panama, we are dedicated to serving as an example and supporting the local community to create solar panel projects of their own.

In sum, Nayara Resorts is leading the way in sustainable tourism and setting a new standard in the industry. Our environmentally friendly initiatives in Panama and Chile show our commitment to preserving the natural beauty of the places we call home and our dedication to reducing our carbon footprint. We hope to inspire others in the hospitality industry to follow our lead and take action to protect the planet for future generations to come.


For more info check us out at, on Instagram @nayarabocasdeltoro and @nayaraaltoatacama, or call our reservations team at 1-844-865-2002.